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Celluloid Ring Core With our Without Inlay Blue and white is mislabeled. Its Dark blue and Light blue. More options here Custom multicolored inlays https://etsy.me/39LS6Ta ****I highly recommend using CA and Activator when applying these inlays.**** Cores are sent out at max size for you to cut down to your size that you are making. They offer approximately 1/2 size of up-sizing. You may want to account for that when you size initially. Use for bentwood rings, paper rings, etc. Suggested add-on for my bentwood Ring blanks. Max size is around 14 for pre-made cores. Message me if you need larger and we will get you what you need. —about celluloid— Celluloid is a common material used by Luthiers in guitar building. It’s also used for pick guards, and guitar picks. It was originally created as a faux Ivory. Due to the nature of Ivory and how it yellows over time, celluloid was created with the intention for it to yellow as well. The white celluloid that I use are the most prone to this and it often happens during the making process. Other colors don’t tend to yellow. I attempt to avoid an excessive amount of this but its very difficult to avoid entirely. I’ve observed that once it does this during the making process, it doesn’t tend to yellow more. Since this is a feature of the material, I cannot guarantee a pristine white.